Relationship Functions

ProjectHuddle makes use of post relationships through parent relationships. A parent_id custom field is used to track the parent relationship of a post much like WordPress uses a "parent" item to identify post relationships. The parent_id identifies the specific conversation thread, project item or project parent by it's ID.

ProjectHuddle provides some convenience functions to help make these relationships easier to query, and provides an abstraction layer to ensure code compatibility in case there are changes to data structures.


It's recommended you use the built-in functions below instead of WordPress' WP_Query or get_posts in case the post type definitions or custom fields change.


Here's how these post type relationships are structured:

Project (Mockup or Website Projects)
   └─ Items (Mockup Images or Website Pages)
      └─ Threads (Conversation Threads)
         └─ Comments (Comments or Resolve Actions)

ph_get_post_parents_ids 3.0.0+

Gets the post parent relationships for a given post.

Default Usage

// get parents from a thread post object
$parents = ph_get_parents_ids( $comment->comment_ID, 'comment'  );

// get the project id
$project_id = $parents['project'];

// get the image id
$image_id = $parents['item'];

// get the conversation thread id
$image_id = $parents['thread'];


Accepts two parameters

id (null|int)

  • The post ID. By default it gets the current global $post ID.

type (string)

  • (optional) The type of post we're querying. Defaults to post. Accepted values are post or comment.

ph_query_project_subcollection 3.0.6+

This function performs the opposite function of ph_get_parents_ids as it will get a posts subcollection. For example, if you have a mockup project and wish to get the project's images collection, you would use this function.

This function is a lightweight wrapper around WP_Query and provides an abstraction layer to ensure compatibility in case of data structure changes. Because of this, it accepts any parameters from the default WordPress get_posts function in addition to the 'id' parameter of the post who's collection you want to fetch.

Default Usage

// get parents from a thread post object
$images = ph_query_project_subcollection(array(
    'id' => $mockup_id

// do a standard WordPress loop
if ( $images->have_posts() ) {
    while( $images->have_posts() ) : the_post();


Accepts 1 parameter. The array accepts any parameters from the default WordPress WP_Query

$args (array)

  • Post query args. $args['id'] is the post ID of the project, image, website page or thread. By default it gets the current global $post ID.