PHP Actions

You can use the following actions to run callbacks based on ProjectHuddle actions.

CUD Actions

Create, Update and Destroy actions follow a formula with the aim to standardize and simplify the actions in the plugin. This way you don't necessarily need to memorize a specific action - if you know the formula you can extrapolate the necessary action.

CUD Actions Formula

Actions follow this formula:


Substitute any of the following for {$project_type} below:

  • mockup Mockup Project
  • website Website Project

Substitute any of the following for {$type_name} below:

  • project (Mockup or Website Project)
  • image (Mockup Image)
  • page (Website Page)
  • thread (Mockup or Website Thread)
  • comment (Individual Comment)
  • approval (Individual Approval Comment)

Substitute any of the following for {$action} below:

  • publish When a post is published
  • edit When a post is edited
  • delete When a post is deleted.


Each action gives you two parameters:

Attribute Description
$id ID of the post
$object Post or Comment object


Here are a few examples of how this formula works:

Trigger an action when a new comment is created on a mockup project:

add_action( 'ph_mockup_publish_comment', 'my_custom_fuction', 10, 2 );

function my_custom_function( $id, $object ) {
    // make API call, run additional functions, etc
    // I have the comment $id and WP_Comment $object to use!

Trigger an action when a new conversation thread is created on a website project:

add_action( 'ph_website_publish_thread', 'my_custom_fuction', 10, 2 );

function my_custom_function( $id, $object ) {
    // make API call, run additional functions, etc
    // I have the post $id and WP_Post $object to use!

Attribute Update Actions

Sometimes you'll only want to run actions when a specific attribute is updated. ProjectHuddle has some fine-grained actions that only run when this happens.

Attribute Update Actions Formula

Action is run before an attribute is updated:


Action is run after an attribute is updated:


Substitute any of the following for {$project_type} below:

  • mockup Mockup Project
  • website Website Project

Substitute any of the following for {$type_name} below:

  • project (Mockup or Website Project)
  • image (Mockup Image)
  • page (Website Page)
  • thread (Mockup or Website Thread)
  • comment (Individual Comment)
  • approval (Individual Approval Comment)


Each action gives you three parameters:

Attribute Description
$attr (string) The attribute name.
$value (mixed) The value being saved.
$object (WP_Post or WP_Comment) The object the attribute is saved to


Here are a few examples of how this formula works:

Trigger an action when a mockup thread is resolved:

add_action( 'ph_mockup_rest_update_thread_attribute', 'my_custom_function', 10, 3);

function my_custom_function( $attr, $value, $object ) {
    // we're only looking for "resolved" changes
    if ( 'resolved' !== $attr ) {
    // if it is resolved, do something!
    if (  $value ) {
        // Thread is resolved!
        // Make API call, run additional functions, etc
        // I have the WP_Comment or WP_Post $object to use!

Trigger an action when a is created on a website project:

add_action( 'ph_website_publish_thread', 'my_custom_fuction');

function my_custom_function( $id, $object ) {
    // make API call, run additional functions, etc
    // I have the post $id and WP_Post $object to use!