ProjectHuddle Data Structures

ProjectHuddle makes use of Custom Post Types and Custom Fields to store it's data, which should make it more familiar to developers familiar with ProjectHuddle.


It's recommended you use the built-in functions instead of querying post types in case the post type definitions or custom fields change.

Post relationships

ProjectHuddle makes use of post relationships through a parent_id custom field. Much like WordPress uses a "parent" item to identify post relationships, the parent_id identifies the specific conversation thread, project item or project parent.

Here's how these post type relationships are structured:

Project (Mockup or Website Projects)
   └─ Items (Mockup Images or Website Pages)
      └─ Threads (Conversation Threads)
         └─ Comments (Comments or Resolve Actions)

Getting Parent Posts

ProjectHuddle makes use of the ph_get_parents_ids function to get all the parent ids from a specific post. Here's an example of how you can get the mockup image and mockup project from a conversation thread:

// get parents from a thread post object
$parents = ph_get_parents_ids( $thread->ID );

// get the project id
$project_id = $parents['project'];

// get the image id
$image_id = $parents['item'];


Getting Child Posts

ProjectHuddle makes use of the custom functions to get child posts. We recommend you use these functions to maintain compatibility in case of a change in data structure. The ph_query_project_subcollection function will let you get a child collection from a specific post. Here's an example of how you can get the mockup images collection from a mockup project:

// get parents from a thread post object
$images = ph_query_project_subcollection(array(
    'id' => $mockup_id

// do a standard WordPress loop
if ( $images->have_posts() ) {
    while( $images->have_posts() ) : the_post();


Built-In Functions

ProjectHuddle has many built-in functions to get these relationships. Be sure to check out the relationship functions section for more information on getting post relationships.

Relationship Functions