Updating Post Data

ph_get_data 3.0.6+

The ph_get_data function is a lightweight wrapper for get_post_meta. It's a necessary abstraction for get_post_meta in case keys change or are updated. It's recommended you use this function to ensure future compatibility.

Here's an example of how you can use it like this to get access settings for a project:

$project_access = ph_get_data( $mockup_id, 'project_access', true );
echo $project_access; 

ph_update_data 3.0.6+

The ph_update_data function is a lightweight wrapper for update_post_meta. It's a necessary abstraction for update_post_meta in case keys change or are updated. It's recommended you use this function to ensure future compatibility.

// update project access programatically to 'login'
$updated = ph_update_data( $mockup_id, 'project_access', 'login' );

Types Of Data

Each post type has it's own custom data. Check out each post type on the data structures section of the documentation.

Data Structures