Project Functions

You can use the following to query a users projects (both Mockups and Websites). It's recommended you use these functions directly if possible instead of WP_Query or get_posts directly. The reason is these functions abstract Queries so if changes are made to how a post is stored, you don't need to update your queries.

ph_query_users_projects 3.0.0+

Utilizes a WordPress query to get projects that a specific user is a member of. Defaults to the current user.

Default Usage

// pass the custom arguments
$args = array(
	'numberposts'   => 10,
	'paged'         => get_query_var( 'page' ) ? get_query_var( 'page' ) : 1,
$projects = ph_query_users_projects( $args );

// do a standard WordPress loop
if ( $projects->have_posts() ) {
    while( $projects->have_posts() ) : the_post();


Accepts any parameters from the default WordPress get_posts function, with these additional parameters.

types (array)

  • 'all' - Get all project types default.
  • 'mockup' - Get only mockup project types.
  • 'website' - Get only website project types.

user_id (array)

  • null|int - The WordPress user's id. By default it gets current user's projects.


WP_Query Object

ph_get_users_projects 3.0.0+

Utilizes a WordPress query to get projects that a specific user is a member of that returns data similar to get_posts. Defaults to the current user.

Default Usage

// pass the custom arguments
$args = array(
	'numberposts'   => 10,
	'paged'         => get_query_var( 'page' ) ? get_query_var( 'page' ) : 1,
$projects = ph_get_users_projects( $args );

// loop through each post object
if ( ! empty( $projects ) ) :
    foreach( $projects as $project ) :
        echo sanitize_text_field( $project->post_title ); // post title


Accepts any parameters from the default WordPress get_posts function, with these additional parameters.

types (array)

  • 'all' - Get all project types default.
  • 'mockup' - Get only mockup project types.
  • 'website' - Get only website project types.

user_id (array)

  • null|int - The WordPress user's id. By default it gets current user's projects.


An array of WP_Post objects